Check out Brittany talk all about movement in all births at the Baby Got VBAC Better Birth Talks Summit here! Join the Baby Got VBAC Community on FB to access the free recording!

"Baby Got VBAC: An Inspiring Collection of Wisdom for Better Births After a Cesarean" is a multi-author book with contributions from both parents and birth professionals, offering insight and stories to support expectant parents in having a positive and empowering birth after cesarean. It is a treasure trove of love and empowerment and positivity for all births after cesarean, whether they are a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) or a CBAC (cesarean birth after cesarean).
Brittany's chapter in this book (Chapter 11) is "Movement for an Empowering Birth" and focuses on informed decision making and active participation in all births - medicated and unmedicated - with an emphasis on the role that movement and positioning play in reducing intervention and restoring autonomy to the laboring person.
Kindle versions of the book (digital editions) and print editions of the book are both available below.
Grab your digital copy here!
Grab your print copy here!
Brittany's chapter in this book (Chapter 11) is "Movement for an Empowering Birth" and focuses on informed decision making and active participation in all births - medicated and unmedicated - with an emphasis on the role that movement and positioning play in reducing intervention and restoring autonomy to the laboring person.
Kindle versions of the book (digital editions) and print editions of the book are both available below.
Grab your digital copy here!
Grab your print copy here!