Brittany was a really wonderful post-partum doula and we'd recommend her very highly. Her input on breast-feeding alone made the difference between painful frustration and happy success. We were both impressed with her knowledge of newborn baby care and post-partum recovery, and we were equally impressed with her ability to convey that knowledge clearly and positively. She was head and shoulders above both our pediatrician and our birth center home visit nurse on both counts, to our great surprise. And she was enthusiastic and helpful about giving us a hand around the house, too.
- Patty and Matt S.
Postpartum Doula Services
**Postpartum doula services are currently available on a limited basis. Please email Brittany for information.**
Services include:
discussion of infant care basics
a listening ear
discussion of the birth experience and the emotional transition into parenting
minor housework such as vacuuming, laundry, and dishes
the running of errands including grocery shopping and dry cleaning
household necessities such as cooking and caring for pets
continued postpartum support through Blossoming Bellies' New and Expectant Parents Support Group
For thousands of years, women have been surrounded by family, loved ones, and neighbors in the time after giving birth. In our society, it is often difficult for women to obtain the support they need to smooth the transition into parenting. The postpartum doula makes it possible for the new parents to
focus solely on themselves and their family in the time after birth. Postpartum doula services allow the new mother and her partner to tend to their baby's and their family's needs with confidence, patience, and ease.
Blossoming Bellies' postpartum doula services include a prenatal visit in which plans for postpartum support are discussed. In addition, each couple is provided with a folder of information and samples for the postpartum period.
A $50 deposit secures services for your birth month and includes the prenatal visit. After that, postpartum doula services are $25 per hour with a minimum of two hours per day and a maximum of three days per week. Brittany is available for daytime postpartum doula services Monday through Friday from 9 am to 4 pm.
Nighttime and/or weekend postpartum doula services are also available; please contact Brittany for more information.
Blossoming Bellies is proud to provide wholistic birth services to the greater Philadelphia area.
For clients who live within 10 miles outside the county of
Philadelphia, a $10 travel-related expense fee will be added to the cost of services per day; for clients who live within 11 to 35 miles outside the county of Philadelphia, an $18 travel-related expense fee will be added to the cost of services. For distances more than 35 miles outside Philadelphia, please contact Brittany.
For more information or to set up services,
please contact Brittany at
267-261-0284 or
[email protected]
**Postpartum doula services are currently available on a limited basis. Please email Brittany for information.**
Services include:
discussion of infant care basics
a listening ear
discussion of the birth experience and the emotional transition into parenting
minor housework such as vacuuming, laundry, and dishes
the running of errands including grocery shopping and dry cleaning
household necessities such as cooking and caring for pets
continued postpartum support through Blossoming Bellies' New and Expectant Parents Support Group
For thousands of years, women have been surrounded by family, loved ones, and neighbors in the time after giving birth. In our society, it is often difficult for women to obtain the support they need to smooth the transition into parenting. The postpartum doula makes it possible for the new parents to
focus solely on themselves and their family in the time after birth. Postpartum doula services allow the new mother and her partner to tend to their baby's and their family's needs with confidence, patience, and ease.
Blossoming Bellies' postpartum doula services include a prenatal visit in which plans for postpartum support are discussed. In addition, each couple is provided with a folder of information and samples for the postpartum period.
A $50 deposit secures services for your birth month and includes the prenatal visit. After that, postpartum doula services are $25 per hour with a minimum of two hours per day and a maximum of three days per week. Brittany is available for daytime postpartum doula services Monday through Friday from 9 am to 4 pm.
Nighttime and/or weekend postpartum doula services are also available; please contact Brittany for more information.
Blossoming Bellies is proud to provide wholistic birth services to the greater Philadelphia area.
For clients who live within 10 miles outside the county of
Philadelphia, a $10 travel-related expense fee will be added to the cost of services per day; for clients who live within 11 to 35 miles outside the county of Philadelphia, an $18 travel-related expense fee will be added to the cost of services. For distances more than 35 miles outside Philadelphia, please contact Brittany.
For more information or to set up services,
please contact Brittany at
267-261-0284 or
[email protected]